Looks like a permission issue. Check the permission of the
user connecting locally vs the user connecting remotely.
This might give you some clue.
>--Original Message--
>We have a remote server (w 2000, sql 2000) where we can
debug stored procedures locally but cannot debug stored
procedures remotely. Has anyone encountered this?
It's the same user.
What I'm noticing is that when debugging is done localy, the debugger pauses on the first line. All of the debugging icons are active. In profler there are two calls to sp_sdidebug (the first passes a 'check', parm the second passes an 'on' parm) and s
et implicit transactions statement. If you then press F5 the code executes. In profiler the procedure is executed and then there is a call to sp_sdidebug (passes an 'off' parm).
When debugging locally, the code appears to immediately execute and the debugging icons are grayed out. This is confirmed in profiler where there are the two calls to sp_sdidebug, the procedure is executed and there is the call to sp_sdidebug with the of
f parameter. So the code appears to execute immediately rather than being paused, and the debugger is disabled.
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