Sunday, February 19, 2012

Debugging in VS.NET

I am attempting to debug a few stored procedures I created using the VS.NET
After clicking "Run Stored Procedure" the IDE starts debugging, but almost
immediately throws the following error:
"Cannot debug stored procedures because the SQL Server database is not setup
correctly or user does not have permission to execute master.sp_sdidebug. Run
SQL Server setup or contact database administrator."
I found this error in conjunction with a bug in Windows XP SP2. I did have
the service pack installed at one point but uninstalled it earlier this week.
A few of the things I have tried include the following:
Debugging as SA
Setting sp_sdidebug to 'legacy_on"
Disabling my firewall
Changing DCOM settings to look like this (suggested in SQL Books)
|__ Application Tab
| |
| |_____ SQLDBREG
| |
| |______ Identity Tab
| |
| |_______ The interactive user
|__ Default Security Tab
|_____ Default Access Permissions
|______ Edit Default Button
|_______ Everyone (or domain\account and System)
And, beating my head on the desk.
None of these have worked for me. If anyone has any suggestions they would
be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
Any ideas?
|||Come on! You've got to provide more information about your problem then
Debugging what?
"Mike" <> wrote in message
> Any ideas?
|||In my post I stated that i was debugging stored procedures that I created in
Visual Studio using the server explorer. What additional information do you
"Jim Young" wrote:

> Come on! You've got to provide more information about your problem then
> that.
> Debugging what?
> "Mike" <> wrote in message
|||Sorry, I only saw the short reply you made, not the original post.
All I can say is that I'm able to debug sprocs in VS.Net by stepping into
the stored procedure from the Database menu. I can't find your original
post. What kind of problem are you having again?
"Mike" <> wrote in message
> In my post I stated that i was debugging stored procedures that I created
> Visual Studio using the server explorer. What additional information do
> need?
> "Jim Young" wrote:
|||After clicking "Run Stored Procedure" the IDE starts debugging, but almost
immediately throws the following error:
"Cannot debug stored procedures because the SQL Server database is not setup
correctly or user does not have permission to execute master.sp_sdidebug. Run
SQL Server setup or contact database administrator."
If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate them. If not I'm just
going to have to get the developers edition and pray that it works.
"Jim Young" wrote:

> Sorry, I only saw the short reply you made, not the original post.
> All I can say is that I'm able to debug sprocs in VS.Net by stepping into
> the stored procedure from the Database menu. I can't find your original
> post. What kind of problem are you having again?
> Jim
> "Mike" <> wrote in message
> in
> you
|||By any chance did you install XP Service Pack 2 on your machine?
"Mike" <> wrote in message
> After clicking "Run Stored Procedure" the IDE starts debugging, but almost
> immediately throws the following error:
> "Cannot debug stored procedures because the SQL Server database is not
> correctly or user does not have permission to execute master.sp_sdidebug.
> SQL Server setup or contact database administrator."
> If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate them. If not I'm just
> going to have to get the developers edition and pray that it works.
> "Jim Young" wrote:
|||I did install SP2, but when I found that KB article you mentioned, I
uninstalled it. Is it possible that whatever it does that messes up
debugging in VS is still hanging around? I made a restore point right before
I installed the service pack, so I can restore to it if absolutely necessary.
That was almost 2 weeks ago, so I would like to avoid this solution if
Thanks for the reply.
"Jim Young" wrote:

> By any chance did you install XP Service Pack 2 on your machine?
> "Mike" <> wrote in message
> setup
> Run
> into
> created
> do
> then
|||I had the same problem debugging a SP,(not to mention that I have had not
installed WinXP SP2).
I set permissions to the extended SP on master and it did not work also, but
then I went a little bit further.
Now the message is simply:
" Security hasn't been setup correctly for SQL debugging on server xxxxx.
SQL Debugging terminated. See SQL Debugging documentation on how to set it up
Any ideas?
"Mike" wrote:
> I did install SP2, but when I found that KB article you mentioned, I
> uninstalled it. Is it possible that whatever it does that messes up
> debugging in VS is still hanging around? I made a restore point right before
> I installed the service pack, so I can restore to it if absolutely necessary.
> That was almost 2 weeks ago, so I would like to avoid this solution if
> possible.
> Thanks for the reply.
> Mike
> "Jim Young" wrote:

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