Friday, February 24, 2012

Debugging SQL SERVER Stored Procedures

I don't see the option to debug a stored procedure. I right click onthe procedure and should'nt it appear in the properties window. Do Ineed to install some extra component to get the debugger.

I don't remember clearly but IMO it was dependant on the VS.NET version. But don't take that one as granted, I really don't remember. Try Google.

Anyways,here is explained what is needed to setup debugging and how to try it out. Andhere'salso a few words how to debug in Query Analyzer and again the instructions visualized for VS.NET.

|||Thanks for the reply.
I went to this link:
And copied the .dll from the Visual Studio 2003/sqlserver it says put the file in the binn directory. Are they talking about the bin directory of the Project.

|||okay so I copied the .dll file into SQL SERVEr Binn folder. But nowwhen I debug the strored procedure it just shows the Arrow => butwhen I press F11 so it can go to the next line It just exits
And prints the message :
// GEEK0001 is the name of my computer
The thread GEEK0001 has exicted with code 0 (0x0)
|||okay I got it to work !

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